Slickhouse framework

Smartphone (320px+)

Tablet (600px+)

Netbook (960px+)

Laptop (1280px+)

Desktop (1824px+)


Slickhouse framework is an HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery collection of files for use in all future Slickhouse projects. It started as HTML5 Boilerplate, with a sprinkling of Bootstrap grids and evolved into what you see on the screen.

Using the latest browser technologies, it will allow for continuous improvements of the look and feel of Slickhouse. Feel free to use it within your own projects and contribute to help.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin et diam vehicula, tristique eros sed, rhoncus turpis. Vestibulum imperdiet sem tellus, quis consequat est imperdiet non. Etiam eleifend, quam a porta venenatis, ante tellus pharetra massa, at sollicitudin dui nibh non velit. Nulla et nisi orci. Proin nibh sem, condimentum eget justo ut, ornare egestas risus. Nam massa lacus, fringilla at euismod vitae, bibendum a turpis. Proin nec pulvinar metus. Fusce mollis at dui convallis tincidunt. Nullam auctor nibh quis velit tincidunt cursus. Nulla gravida tortor in tincidunt sagittis. Morbi rhoncus velit tortor, nec hendrerit quam malesuada quis.

Morbi tellus libero, elementum sed iaculis in, cursus a elit. Praesent sed ultrices justo, at suscipit velit. Aliquam sed libero eget est malesuada porta. Sed ut pellentesque libero. Maecenas tincidunt lacus ac nibh rhoncus condimentum. Sed in fermentum mauris. Mauris sit amet tortor facilisis, vestibulum lacus vel, eleifend felis. Etiam purus lacus, congue ac urna nec, imperdiet tincidunt odio. Praesent elementum elementum volutpat.

Sed purus mi, vehicula egestas lorem consequat, facilisis fermentum nisi. Vivamus rutrum libero ac imperdiet eleifend. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed metus sapien, volutpat quis venenatis sed, vestibulum non eros. Nunc purus orci, tristique ut posuere a, accumsan vitae erat. Vivamus nec dui varius, sodales eros et, pharetra turpis. Praesent feugiat mauris et justo tristique, quis sodales tortor rhoncus. Vestibulum id metus facilisis, lobortis diam ac, consectetur orci. Sed non dolor vel quam scelerisque fringilla. Vestibulum non ante arcu. Nullam diam elit, tempus non tempus quis, condimentum eget tellus. Pellentesque eget lectus venenatis, tincidunt mi ut, ullamcorper leo. Etiam at tellus quis nulla feugiat dapibus.


Windows 8 dual boot and initial impressions

Matt's step-by-step guide to dual booting Windows 8 Developer Preview alongside Windows 7:

Items you will need:

  • USB Drive (I used a 20GB Maxtor inside an IDE to USB enclosure)
  • Existing Windows 7 installation on a laptop/desktop

Create a partition to install Windows 8 onto:

  1. Start > right-click on Computer > Manage
  2. Go to Disk Management
  3. Locate the partition that Windows 7 is installed on
  4. Right-click and you should get the option to Shrink Volume
  5. Choose a new volume size, to allow you at least 20GB of free space for Windows 8
  6. Confirm and wait a few minutes for the Volume to be resized
  7. You can now righ-click on the new unallocated space and create a new Volume
  8. Assign it a drive letter, name it and format it to NTFS (Quick)

With the partition created, it's onto setting up Windows 8 on the USB drive:

  1. Download the relevant ISO (preferably 64-bit with Developer Tools)
  2. Download 7Zip (free, open-source, highly recommended)
  3. Extract the ISO file to the same place you downloaded it to
  4. Format your USB drive to NTFS
  5. Copy the contents of the extract ISO to your USB drive
  6. Open a command prompt (Start > Run > cmd)
  7. Navigate to the folder you extracted the ISO (e.g. cd \Users\Matt\Downloads\Windows8)
  8. Navigate further to the boot folder (e.g. cd \boot) within the extracted ISO
  9. Run the command "bootsect.exe /nt60 E:" where E: is the drive letter of your recently formatted USB drive

You will now have a partition to install Windows 8 onto and a USB drive with the Windows 8 ISO contents on, ready for installation.

The next stage is relatively easy:

  1. Restart your computer
  2. Hit F2/DEL to enter Setup (BIOS)
  3. As long as your computer is fairly new, you should see an option to specify the USB drive to boot from
  4. Re-arrange the boot order so that USB drive is the first device
  5. Save and Exit Setup (BIOS)
  6. You'll then begin to see the Windows 8 installer do its thing
  7. Follow the instructions when prompted and sit back, whilst it installs
  8. The installer will restart once it has completed, so you will need to enter Setup (BIOS) again
  9. Change the boot order once again, so that your hard drive is the first device
  10. Save and Exit Setup (BIOS)
  11. The installer will continue and you'll eventually be presented with a new Windows 8 style boot menu
  12. Choose Windows 8 Developer Preview, or leave it be (it'll default to Windows 8)

You'll then be asked a number of questions to setup your new Windows 8 Developer Preview install - allowing you to enjoy Microsoft's latest operating system.

I've had a few hours play with it so far and am highly impressed. Initially I started with it running within a Virtual Box VM, but I found it to be too restrictive. So I opted for the dual boot scenario as outlined above. This allows me to try Windows 8 on the raw hardware, but keeping my existing Windows 7 installation intact. Once the Developer Preview expires or if I find any incompatability issues, I can simply boot back into Windows 7 and continue.

Performance wise, the operating system feels a lot snappier than my Windows 7 install. But that's probably due to the crap it has accumulated over the past year - and the lack of software installed on Windows 8. Dare I say it: Internet Explorer 10 feels quicker than Chrome; yes it does. My only gripe would be the lack of mouse gestures via a laptop's touchpad - having to use the scroll bars on the main Metro UI is awkward and fiddly.

Also, I'm unsure as to why there is Internet Explorer 10 with the standard Aero UI and then there's the full-screen Metro version. They both have their purpose, but users may get confused and not know what tab they have open in which. Speaking of tabs - I'm lost in the Metro version with multiple tabs open, as there's no visual indication of which tab you are currently on and how many you have open, due to the lack of tool/status bars.

Overall, for a Developer Preview (pre-Beta?) Windows 8 is outstanding. The initial discussions surrounding the release are positive and it seems Microsoft have learnt from both its mistakes and also its competitors successes. A single operating system for all devices - Phones, Tablets, Netbooks, Laptops, Desktops, Servers makes complete sense and is what Microsoft has been striving to achieve with the whole Windows thing since, well forever. Hopefully they can get it right, keeping the device specific features at the forefront on the relevant devices, rather than a one UI for all.

Update: I've uploaded a few screenshots to Picasa Web Albums.


Typography paragraphs, links, horizontal rules and address

h2 heading explanation text

h3 heading

h4 heading

h5 heading
h6 heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eget ligula libero, vel pulvinar leo. Vivamus dui dolor, dictum vel sollicitudin eu, mattis in tellus. Praesent dapibus arcu ligula, tempus cursus felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam molestie imperdiet convallis. Donec non mi lectus. Etiam purus mi, facilisis et viverra non, fermentum quis tellus. Pellentesque consectetur, neque vel ultricies porttitor, magna lectus tempus magna, sit amet pretium nunc elit ac eros. Curabitur tincidunt, felis in ullamcorper feugiat, quam diam egestas purus, vitae varius sem leo vitae tellus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eget ligula libero, vel pulvinar leo. Vivamus dui dolor, dictum vel sollicitudin eu, mattis in tellus. Praesent dapibus arcu ligula, tempus cursus felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam molestie imperdiet convallis. Donec non mi lectus. Etiam purus mi, facilisis et viverra non, fermentum quis tellus. Pellentesque consectetur, neque vel ultricies porttitor, magna lectus tempus magna, sit amet pretium nunc elit ac eros. Curabitur tincidunt, felis in ullamcorper feugiat, quam diam egestas purus, vitae varius sem leo vitae tellus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eget ligula libero, vel pulvinar leo. Vivamus dui dolor, dictum vel sollicitudin eu, mattis in tellus. Praesent dapibus arcu ligula, tempus cursus felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam molestie imperdiet convallis. Donec non mi lectus. Etiam purus mi, facilisis et viverra non, fermentum quis tellus. Pellentesque consectetur, neque vel ultricies porttitor, magna lectus tempus magna, sit amet pretium nunc elit ac eros. Curabitur tincidunt, felis in ullamcorper feugiat, quam diam egestas purus, vitae varius sem leo vitae tellus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eget ligula libero, vel pulvinar leo. Vivamus dui dolor, dictum vel sollicitudin eu, mattis in tellus. Praesent dapibus arcu ligula, tempus cursus felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam molestie imperdiet convallis. Donec non mi lectus. Etiam purus mi, facilisis et viverra non, fermentum quis tellus. Pellentesque consectetur, neque vel ultricies porttitor, magna lectus tempus magna, sit amet pretium nunc elit ac eros. Curabitur tincidunt, felis in ullamcorper feugiat, quam diam egestas purus, vitae varius sem leo vitae tellus.

4 Columns example:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eget ligula libero, vel pulvinar leo. Vivamus dui dolor, dictum vel sollicitudin eu, mattis in tellus. Praesent dapibus arcu ligula, tempus cursus felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam molestie imperdiet convallis. Donec non mi lectus. Etiam purus mi, facilisis et viverra non, fermentum quis tellus. Pellentesque consectetur, neque vel ultricies porttitor, magna lectus tempus magna, sit amet pretium nunc elit ac eros. Curabitur tincidunt, felis in ullamcorper feugiat, quam diam egestas purus, vitae varius sem leo vitae tellus.

3 Columns example:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eget ligula libero, vel pulvinar leo. Vivamus dui dolor, dictum vel sollicitudin eu, mattis in tellus. Praesent dapibus arcu ligula, tempus cursus felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam molestie imperdiet convallis. Donec non mi lectus. Etiam purus mi, facilisis et viverra non, fermentum quis tellus. Pellentesque consectetur, neque vel ultricies porttitor, magna lectus tempus magna, sit amet pretium nunc elit ac eros. Curabitur tincidunt, felis in ullamcorper feugiat, quam diam egestas purus, vitae varius sem leo vitae tellus.

2 Columns example:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eget ligula libero, vel pulvinar leo. Vivamus dui dolor, dictum vel sollicitudin eu, mattis in tellus. Praesent dapibus arcu ligula, tempus cursus felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam molestie imperdiet convallis. Donec non mi lectus. Etiam purus mi, facilisis et viverra non, fermentum quis tellus. Pellentesque consectetur, neque vel ultricies porttitor, magna lectus tempus magna, sit amet pretium nunc elit ac eros. Curabitur tincidunt, felis in ullamcorper feugiat, quam diam egestas purus, vitae varius sem leo vitae tellus.


The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element ancestor. If that is the body element, then the contact information applies to the document as a whole.
The address element must not be used to represent arbitrary addresses (e.g. postal addresses), unless those addresses are in fact the relevant contact information. (The p element is the appropriate element for marking up postal addresses in general.) The address element must not contain information other than contact information.
Written by Matthew Juffs

The below line demonstrates the different Open Sans font styles and weights available:

Normal text, bold text, italic text, bold and italic text.

Messages for providing feedback to users

This is a success message

This is a warning message

This is an error message

This is an information message


ID Name Date Another Another Another  
NOTE: data is approximate
1 Matt 2011-09-24 00:00 123 456 abuwhbguierhtuqib Delete
2 Matthew 2011-09-24 00:00 123 456 abuwhbguierhtuqib Delete
3 M 2011-09-24 00:00 123 456 abuwhbguierhtuqib Delete
4 MJ 2011-09-24 00:00 123 456 jwrioghjo3ihtio Delete


Unordered list:

  • List item
  • List item
  • List item

Ordered list:

  1. List item
  2. List item
  3. List item

List with no-list-style

  • List item
  • List item
  • List item


Matthew Juffs, 2011-09-24

Forms and Form elements


Date Inputs

NOTE: not all datetime inputs work in all HTML5 Browsers!



Option 1
Option 2
Option 2


4 different examples of the HTML required for a button:

  • Link
    <a class="btn" href="#">Link</a>

  • <button class="btn" type="submit">Button</button>

  • <input class="btn" type="button" value="Input" />

  • <input class="btn" type="submit" value="Submit" />

Buttons are available in different colours too:

And the size can be varied:


<code> displays inline: if (this.IsFun()) { Console.WriteLine("This is fun!"); } like this.

<pre> is a block element and maintains the original layout:

    if (DateTime.Now > new DateTime(2011, 1, 1))
        Console.WriteLine("New Years Day 2011 has been and gone");


Pagination for navigating between pages of related content

  1. « Previous
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3
  5. 4
  6. 5
  7. Next »
  8. View All
  9. Clear View All

Grid system thanks to Bootstrap

span6 within span6
span6 within span6
span6 within span6
span6 within span6


The following images use both responsive slides and lightbox jQuery plugins:

  • Example image using Star Wars painting
  • Example image using Star Wars painting

Placeholder images can be used to generate placeholder images of various sizes:

Placeholder image

The width, height, image type, background color, text color and text can be specified in the url.

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image

Placeholder image


The following colours are used by default within the framework for different shades of grey:

  • #F1F1F1 - backgrounds
  • #CCCCCC - borders
  • #444444 - body text
  • #222222 - headings

The following blue/orange complement each other and have been used on Slickhouse projects since 2005:

  • #0099FF
  • #FF9900

HTML5 new elements

The follow elements are now available in HTML5:

  • <section> defines a section in the document
  • <article> defines an article in the document
  • <aside> defines content aside from the page content
  • <mark> defines marked or highlighted text

There are many other HTML5 elements - most of which are in use on this page.


The details element is not supported properly by browsers yet. It would probably be better to wait for implementations.
Q. What can you use <details> for?

<details> defines additional details that the user can view or hide

Q. What can you use <summary> for?

<summary> defines a visible heading for a <details> element

Progress bar

Defines the progress of a task, for example:

Task 1 100%

Task 2 75%

Task 3 50%

Task 4 25%

Task 5 0%

Figure and Figcaption

<figure> Defines self-contained content, like illustrations, diagrams, photos, code listings, etc.

<figcaption> Defines a caption for a <figure> element

Placeholder image
A <figcaption> beneath an <img> within a <figure>

Placeholder image


This full-width element can be used to make content stand out from the rest of the page and also break up the flow.


The following items need completing:


  • Drop jQuery UI
  • Latest jQuery lightbox plugin
  • Latest CKEditor plugin - cutdown/light?
  • Latest jQuery
  • Latest HTML5BP
  • Latest Normalize

Improve/complete existing code

  • TODO comments within CSS/JS
  • Tidy up existing code
  • Incorporate Bootstrap's grid system
  • Reduce colours to a select colour palette (add a colour palette section)
  • Style tables so that they don't break the media queries
  • Ensure all classes/IDs have the same naming convention i.e. className or class-name
  • Header style
  • Footer HTML as per Slickhouse/Cupcakery mockups (add nav elements etc. and an inner element to use instead of p for centering)
  • Link styling 3 separate styles - nav, content, footer
  • Copy pagination style from SlickCMS
  • Breadcrumbs - to be unordered list instead for semantic reasons, styled with a light-grey background, as per h1
  • Media Queries (check Courthouse bug fixes, if any)
  • Mobile Menu to be a list instead of dropdown (see
  • #links appear underneath the header
  • Form elements have rounded corners on iOS
  • Move search into mobile menu to increase vertical height
  • Change mobileMenu icon to be max-width/max-height using ems to render better on retina displays
  • Fix CKEditor and previous fieldset breaking smartphone media query
  • Confirm Favicon and Apple touch icons - see .net
  • Font-face as per Slickhouse V10 mockup (put on 2 lines, so it's easy to replace with Cupcakery's font-face choices)
  • Error page from Courthouse (grey with red text elements)
  • Error page settings in web.config
  • Checkboxes and Radio buttons don't have any styling in Chrome
  • Search disappears when using header navigation

Additional features

  • Revise Introduction
  • Feature list
  • Header #links
  • Button colours
  • New HTML5 form elements
  • Disabled form elements stylings
  • New HTML5 page elements, including <article>
  • Complete HTML5 elements (blockquotes, cite, table etc.)
  • Adaptive images, inline images, images within a grid etc.
  • Print Style Sheet
  • HTML5 and CSS3 logos
  • Dropdown navigation
  • Confirm Font choices

Standards compliance/best practices


  • Test mobile navigation
  • Strip out unused styles (especially from Bootstrap)
  • Full Code Review
  • Remove our button styles from Primary CSS
  • Browser Testing (Chrome, IE 10 and 11, Firefox, Safari)
  • Device Testing (Desktop PC, Tablet, Smartphone)
